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Downsized or Laid Off

quit-jobThis place depended on me to make a difference for ten good years and now I’m expendable?

Dave V.


Downsized. Right-sized. Fired. Laid off. All these euphemisms mean essentially the same thing: you are out of a job and, likely, aggressively seeking a new one.


Although it will be some time before the sting becomes less painful, it helps to remember that it’s not just “bad” — dissatisfied or incompetent — employees that get laid off. For any number of reasons, workers at all competence levels will most likely feel the sting of downsizing at least once in their careers.


It also helps to seek the advice of a professional career coach, particularly now. This is an opportune time to reassess your goals, both personal and professional. What you valued when you started your career may have changed. Undoubtedly, you’ve picked up some new skills and experience. So, before you start mass-mailing resumes or flood corporate email boxes with cover letters, talk with Career Edge One. Their psychometric evaluations, skills assessments and career coaching services, including professional resume writing, will help you develop a better plan and improve the likelihood of your long term success.



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