Leadership Modules
These eleven modules can be presented in sequence or any combination. Think of them as separate items on a menu designed to strengthen your personal leadership skills or those of your executive team. These modules are available to companies, organizations or any group interested in fostering the professional success of its employees and/or members.
Contact Career Edge One or call 402.660.6053 for more information
1. Get Grounded
Develop a ten-step process to help you get and stay grounded. By the end you will have a one-page plan or “dashboard.” This dashboard will tell you the direction to take your organization, why you should and how. The dashboard challenges you to clearly and simply state your ideas about seven essential areas such as vision, mission, values, performance, initiatives, professional relationships and development.
2. Wipe Your Feet at the Door & Take Care of Your Needs
This segment challenges you to discover and change behaviors that don’t work. It focuses on behaviors that can really hurt your career and your organization if you don’t change them soon. In addition we will discuss the importance of taking care of yourself first so that you can mobilize others.
3. Cultivate the Right Attitude
Leadership follows from the right attitude. Leaders can cultivate any of these attitudes at any time to help improve satisfaction and performance at work.
4. Communicate Simply and Powerfully
This section focuses on five crucial themes that managers sometimes forget, e.g., be the message, be authentic, listen with purpose and others.
5. Strengthen your Power Base
Building strong professional relationships requires a disciplined, proactive approach. We will discuss how to identify your power base, assess your relationship with each of these people, understand each person, develop strategies and more.
6. Your relationship with direct reports
We will review key tactics including but not limited to knowing your employees, setting clear expectations, developing messages that engage, customizing your leadership style and more.
7. Elegant Leadership from Below
Even if you are the CEO, you still have a boss! It could be your biggest customer(s), members of the board, or some key employees. Everyone can benefit from taking time to assess their relationships with their managers, and how to improve them.
8. Comprehensive Thinking
Successful leaders and managers consider ways that different processes and people relate, and how one idea affects another. As a result, they find creative, thorough ways to solve problems. We will review a several processes to help you think comprehensively.
Comprehensive thinking requires an effective way to deal with ambiguity. Sometimes the choices are unclear, the options muddled. Inexperienced leaders have difficulty dealing with uncertainty. Career Edge One refers to these situations as The Gray Zone. To thrive in business today, you must embrace the gray. Click on the image at the left to watch a short video which better explains the importance of dealing with gray.
9. Successfully Influence Others
To lead you must be able to influence others to think, speak, act, and feel differently. This module provides an overview of the principles that drive influence, a process to follow when attempting to influence others, and a set of tools to choose effective goals and the right strategy to move things forward and foster collaboration.
10. Fostering Collaboration
To get results, leaders move things forward. While less seasoned managers move things forward through force of will, the most successful leaders move things forward in such a way that others barely notice. In authentic collaboration, all parties benefit. Successful leaders work hard to foster collaboration, both inside and outside of their organization.
11. Build for the Future
Research shows that great companies put structures in place to last longer than any single CEO or executive. Those who build for the future reap significant benefits. By putting effective systems in place and by developing executives who can take on challenging assignments, these leaders find that they have more time to focus on strategic issues.
Employees will also remain at a company that enables them to grow professionally and take on increasing challenges. Companies that are built for the future become employers of choice. Seven strategies will be presented to help you build for the future.
Thank you so much for presenting. We appreciated your attention to detail and openness to creating a leadership experience that was tailored to our participant needs. Your ability to bring forth numerous presentation ideas was helpful in our planning process.
We appreciated your enthusiastic presentation and received very positive feedback from our participants. Your leadership strategies were applicable to all of our participants, no matter their type of business or worksite. Those present especially enjoyed your interactive exercises and take-away handout.
Thank you again for partnering with us. We hope to make this an annual event and look forward to working with you again in the near future.
Nebraska Methodist College